Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Many people who have been introduced to Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ReMag™ The Magnesium Miracle™ Solution and ReMyte™ Mineral Solution are asking about another product Dr. Dean has developed called RnA Drops. In describing the RnA Drops we say that the drops give new information to our RNA which affects our DNA via an improved tuning function of Chromosome 14, allowing the replication of perfect cells. Imagine a photocopier that’s duplicating a faded master text and the toner is also running low. RnA Drops “enhance the master text” and “replenish the toner” allowing the new master copy to make refreshed, perfect cells. What’s amazing about RnA Drops, and like no other product that we know, is that they are not just active at the level of the physical body. People comment on their heightened state of bliss and their feeling of increased strength, confidence, and poise as their world moves in the direction they want to go. Tonight, Dr. Dean takes a rare pause from talking about her favorite magnesium product