Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



More than 23 million Americans suffer from autoimmunity, which makes it the third most common category of illness in the United States after cancer and heart disease. While many doctors have speculated that the body is turning against itself, there may be another more viable, intelligent reason in the body that may account for what’s really happening. Yeast overgrowth and mineral deficiency are at the root of many of the body’s ‘auto immune’ issues. Before undergoing rounds of drugs, antibiotics or other dangerous protocols to treat the body, Dr. Dean suggests you approach your body with compassion and some basic building blocks that can support your body in healing itself, entirely. On tonight\'s show you\'ll find lots of great information and insights from Dr. Dean about how to address the symptoms most frequently associated with auto immune disease plus great callers from customers and listeners from around the world.