Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Leave it to Dr. Carolyn Dean to recognize yet another challenge people may face when discovering the power of magnesium, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrient-based protocols for body, mind, and spirit. It\'s called Viral Google-itis - a condition that occurs when you find yourself absorbed in an endless stream of tweets, texts, emails, articles on Facebook, posts on support forums and viral videos we can’t help but click on when we are worried about what\'s happening and how to get and feel better. Viral Google-itis is an increasing problem both for folks who are relying on Google-based articles and information for their health and vitality but end up getting lots of conflicting information that prevents or prohibits powerful decision making. On tonight\'s show we\'ll be talking about Viral Google-itis as well as how to cipher internet based health advise from pop-up experts and amateurs to your benefit. Plus, Total Biology - the conflict basis of disease on jaws and teeth disease and much more!