Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



To the great detriment of the health of our society, Candida albicans, a fungus living in our intestines that produces 180 chemical toxins that can be absorbed through the intestines into the blood, is running rampant in a large portion of the population - both men and women. It\'s one of the many diseases of civilization - the culmination of the side effects of drug and food technology and the disservices of our stressful way of life. Additionally, the refining of sugar and wheat has its downside by creating a simple food source for yeast. The tremendous levels of stress hormones that flood our bodies daily, hourly, and every minute in our sped up world also make us prey to yeast. Through self-evaluation you can decide for yourself if Candida albicans is, in fact, a culprit in your health situation. At that point you may choose to begin the glorious adventure of ridding your body of the yeasts that hide in the colon and reek havoc on the body.