Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



After a lengthy discussion on tonight\'s show we end up coming to the awareness that there\'s no easily available commercial lab test that will give you a truly accurate reading of the magnesium status in your tissues. Only one percent of magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood, making a simple sample of magnesium from a serum magnesium blood test highly inaccurate. Some specialty labs do provide an RBC magnesium test which is reasonably accurate. This leaves you with looking for signs and symptoms of deficiency. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, headache, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. An ongoing magnesium deficiency can lead to more serious symptoms, including numbness and tingling, abnormal heart rhythms, muscle craps and contractions, coronary spasms, personality changes, and much more! Tonight Dr. Dean presents extensive information on magnesium testing as well as 100 factors that will help you decide whether or not you might be deficient plus great calls from o