Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



There is all kinds of talk about the microbiome today. And, it’s true that optimizing your gut flora may be one of the most important things you can do for your health. Not only can optimizing your gut health help normalize your weight and ward off diabetes, it’s also a critical component for a well-functioning immune system, which is your primary defense against virtually all disease. The microbiome is one of the primary factors that drive your genetic expression, turning genes on and off depending on which microbes are present. A number of health conditions and chronic diseases have been linked to the makeup of your microbiome, including depression, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, brain diseases, autism, and allergies. And, recent research also suggests your microbiome may determine your immune response to vaccines, and that wearing contact lenses alter your eyes’ microbiome making you more prone to eye infections. BUT – there is a missing culprit in the upset you may be experiencing i