Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean Live



Rationale behind product development and health call; Testimonial about healing of hip injury with less surgery than doctors predicted [11:40]; Dr. Macomb’s Candida Detox; balance among magnesium, calcium, Vit D, Vit K; Himalayan salt in ½ your body weight in oz of water; Blue Ice Royal; methylated Bs; Brewer’s Yeast; discussion of cell signaling and living in any environment; vegetarians and calcium; psoriatic arthritis and yeast overgrowth; Wednesday Show discussion of Sheila Kern’s labyrinth painting; RnA Drops and Hepatitis C PLUS testimonial about lifting depression [2:37]; Zinc Tally Test; ReMag testimonial [7:02]; Birth control pills deplete magnesium; testimonial about severe neck and jaw pain [10:05]; cadmium is the sea salt catalyst in ReMag; solving multiple health issues that arise from heparin allergy