Prescrippsion Sound

Episode 15 – Kristen Johnson & Maria Millan: Regenerative Medicine for Osteoarthritis



Dr. Kristen Johnson is a lead investigator at Calibr, the drug discovery division of Scripps Research. Dr. Maria Millan is the President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Listen as we talk about the world’s largest stem cell bank, restoring healthy cartilage to patients, and the advantages of non-profit research. Show notes: Kristen’s talk in the Scripps Research Front Row Lecture Series Coverage of KA34 in the San Diego Union Tribune Maria’s profile at CIRM Social Media: Follow @ScrippsResearch on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn Follow CIRM on Twitter:@CIRMnews ; Instagram:@cirm_stemcells ; Facebook: @California InstituteForRegenerativeMedicine