Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

23. Raj Jana: Lessons From Sitting In Silence For 10 Days



In this episode, Raj shares about his experience recently completing a 10-day silent meditation retreat. He discusses the profound lessons and insights he gained.Key Takeaways:The difference between "doing" and "being" and how we often use activity and busyness to distract from simply being.How sitting in stillness and silence forced Raj to confront deeply rooted patterns, beliefs, fears and attachments.The value of "zooming out" - accessing higher states of consciousness and awareness to witness the egoic mind with compassion.Letting go of control and moving from a place of trying to "manifest" outcomes to one of allowing and trusting in the perfection of each moment.Shifting perspective - how our perceptions create our reality. WIDENING one's lens is a spiritual practice.Aloneness versus loneliness. Learning to find nourishment in solitude.Why Raj feels integrating more slowing down and stillness will serve his life in 2024.In a world that glorifies busyness and productivity, creating space for stillness of