John Tapp Racing

Episode 457: Kyle Wilson-Taylor



The brilliant young Brisbane jockey is under suspension as this podcast is posted. He’s not happy about this one or the many that have preceded it in his short career so far. In the main his suspensions are the result of trying too hard to win. He’s a driven young man who harbours a desire to make his mark in the shortest possible time. Slowly but surely he’s realising the error of his ways. Kyle tells his story with total honesty and great sensitivity. He begins by outlining a new understanding of his responsibility when riding in races. The young jockey says he’s fortunate that his weight remains stable during suspension layoffs. Kyle takes us back to childhood days in Victoria and some tough times for his mother and siblings. He reminisces about his dislike of the classroom and the surprise invitation to ride a horse at a school camp. He says this was life’s defining moment. The jockey says he was only twelve years old when he first started to spend time at the Seymour stables of Lee and Shannon Hope.  He’