The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

ATTENTION: The Next Big Things In Sales | Adam Robinson - 1747



The world is changing, and sales representatives must adapt. This is especially true when it comes to content creation. Do you know what the top-performing social media content is nowadays?  It's video creation! If you're not taking the time to create and promote videos, it may keep you from building your pipeline. In this thought-provoking TSE episode, host Donald Kelly speaks with Adam Robinson, founder and CEO of Retention, about his approach to content creation. Adam discusses the significance of establishing content pillars and sub-pillars to maintain coherence and deliver a unified message. This technique has been instrumental in Adam's success, solidifying the foundation for his content strategy. Discover Adam's methods to improve your sales techniques. The Chris Walker Method Adam credits Chris Walker for the impact his approach has had on Adam's own content creation journey.  By consistently reinforcing a central message, Adam emphasizes the role of repetition in strengthening the audience's unde