Something More With Chris Boyd Show Podcasts

Bitcoin ETFs



Bitcoin ETFs are now available – The US Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved 11 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for Bitcoin. These new ETFs will allow investors to buy an asset that tracks the price movement of Bitcoin. Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry discuss if and when such an investment might be appropriate. Chris provides commentary on the risk involved and how the new types of investments often do not last for the long term. Jeff has a skeptical tone about crypto currencies in general and offers his thoughts regarding the difficulty in valuing them.  Chris reminds listeners of a past interview with Ric Edelman on this subject (see link below to that podcast). edelman Bitcoin ETFs Cryptocurrency Investment SEC Approval Bitcoin ETFs Bitcoin Price Tracking Crypto Investment Risks   #BitcoinETFs #CryptocurrencyInvestment #SECCrypto #BitcoinMarket #CryptoRisks