League Of Adventurous Singles With Kira Sabin

Welcome to Reinventing Dating with Kira Sabin



Is love even worth it anymore? Hell yeah, it is. But dating pretty much sucks. Even on its best day, dating is vulnerable, stressful, exhausting, confusing. Everything's changed! Who pays? Who asks who out? Am I sharing too much, too little?  ARGH! So here's some good news. The great news is that in the past 30, 40, even 50 years, there have been tons of scientists, psychologists, who have dedicated their life to understanding love & relationships and how they work. But the thing is is that most people don't know this information. But I do and I'm going to teach it to you. I'm going to teach you the mindsets, the skills, all the things that make or break relationships and dating, that we never learned.  I'm going to help you get there.  Welcome to Reinventing Dating.