
Episode 138 | Part 2: An event that positively impacted your life



The new website is up! Sign up for full lessons! Describe an event in your life that changed it in a positive way. You should say: -what the event was -when it happened -how it changed your life and explain why this change was positive for you Well, I would have to say my decision to learn a new language changed my life in a positive way. This significant turning point occurred around three years ago during my summer break. I had always been intrigued by the different cultures of Spanish-speaking people, so deciding to study Spanish was a natural choice for me. The journey began with enrolling in an intensive language course and immersing myself in Spanish literature and media. Doing these two things helped me to improve my understanding and abilities rapidly. I'll now speak about the multifaceted ways in which studying Spanish impacted my life. Firstly, the mental challenge of mastering a new language stimulated my cognitive abilities and signi