Corebrain Journal

074 Beyond Bipolar Meds – Fidel



Explore Bipolar Recovery Beyond Medications We can become our true selves in the awake state when our minds drop our acquired thoughts and beliefs. When we lose the idea of ourselves, the mental concept of self disappears and we discover the true being of ourselves free of preconceived ideas. ~ Jeffrey Fidel Bipolar Revisited: As A Physician Dr. Fidel Seeks Different Solutions In this report, Jeffrey Fidel MD, an MRI board certified radiologist, connects us with his personal experience of bipolar diagnosis and treatment failure. His evolved recovery process is spellbinding. Listen up as he refuses to live a life defined by medication for Bipolar I Disorder. In near complete solitude, he endured nearly a full year of intense self-examination and mental anguish. Utilizing mainly the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, he learned how to connect to a voice originating from his heart. The "voice within" teaches him that our real identity is "beyond thought" and that we and the universe are I (One). Dr.