Calvary Temple

Nahum's Hard Message



Less than 90 years after the prophet Jonah had preached to Ninevah that they must repent of their sin of idolatry and return to God, they’d not only fallen back into idolatry but had become so barbaric and cruel to the people of Israel that God had had enough and sent the prophet Nahum to Ninevah, but this time, it was to tell them of their certain, unavoidable destruction. This strong city that was considered virtually indestructible, was completely destroyed at God’s hand. Nahum 1:3 says that The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. That’s why the writer of Hebrews wrote that it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God—the God who can punish sin eternally. But, we who love and follow hard after God, can be so thankful that the love of God, which we can all know by simply believing in the saving grace of his Son, Jesus Christ, saves us all from certain destruction and eternal damnation.