Lets Talk About Real Estate With Lisa B

79: Sign jumpers in real estate and why it’s wrong with Lisa B and Bjorn Kunzel



What is a sign jumper in real estate? This is when real estate agents wait for another real estate agent to nurture a client (whether that be 3 months, 3 years or 13 years) to then as soon as the agent that has worked hard to secure the listing, the other agent thinks it’s a great idea to aim to steal that listing away from the other agent. To me, that’s a low act. To me it’s stealing. To me it shows that agent has no skill in finding their own business. Act professional in real estate, treat other agents how you wish to be treated. If you do that to other agents, expect if done to you. What’s worse is that the sellers get to see this behaviour.. If you arent sure how to get listings.. If you have no idea how to prospect, then go to there are over 57 ways that you can find your own listings. Some links you will find helpful