The Hoop Ball Sacramento Kings Podcast

Game 11 @ Lakers: Tripped Up At The Buzzer



Kings solid defensive effort results in a 2-point loss to the Western Conference leading Los Angeles Lakers. Kings now 4-7 on the season. The story of the game - Kings never went away every time LeBron and the Lakers made a run at them. Bogi was in position to be the hero again. Did LeBron trip Barnes? Should Barnes have had the ball in the position? No moral victories, but the Kings are starting to build a solid sample size of better defensive basketball. Check out The Podcast with Damien Barling for daily sports talk that ventures outside the Kings and in to national stories. Connect anytime. 24/7 text line 916-888-5898damienbarling@me.comInstagram: @damienbarlingTwitter:@damienbarling