Chip Baker- The Success Chronicles

The Success Chronicles #361- Lauren Sisler



Lauren Sisler is a two-time Emmy award-winning sports broadcaster who joined ESPN and SEC Network in 2016 as a sideline reporter for both college football and gymnastics. As a sportscaster and former collegiate gymnast, Lauren is passionate about sports, but even more passionate about telling the stories of the coaches, athletes, and fans who make it more than a game. Her life was not always defined by victories. In 2003 as a freshman at Rutgers University, tragedy struck her world when she unexpectedly lost both parents within hours of each other to their concealed battle with prescription drug addiction. On her journey through grief, Lauren bravely emerged from the shadows of shame, embraced her story, and found hope again. “I carried that shame until I finally realized I wouldn’t let the pain I harbored define me, just like it didn’t define my parents.” Lauren realized that embracing her story and making peace with it had the power to heal, and she could inspire others to do the same. Through her authenti