Sales Reinvented

LinkedIn: Prioritize Connection in a Digital Age, via Laura Hayton, Ep #387



15 years ago people made connections via industry events, cold calling, and emails. They had limited access to information. That’s just how it was. But the world has changed. We are firmly in the digital age.  More buyers are researching online before speaking to someone in sales. LinkedIn, as of 2024, has over 1 billion users worldwide (38 million in the UK). That’s half of the population of the UK.  92% of buyers want to buy from a salesperson known as a thought leader. Use LinkedIn to showcase your skills and build your personal brand. It is the first way to build a connection and demonstrate authority and credibility in the field.  Outline of This Episode [1:28] Why a compelling LinkedIn profile is important [4:51] The elements that have an impact on sales [6:34] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn  [8:34] Balancing professionalism and personality  [11:07] How often to update your LinkedIn profile  [12:31] Tools to improve your LinkedIn profile [15:09] Laura’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don