Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

FAQ's About Mobile Retail



1:33.0 The thing about having a brick and mortar is you have automatic traffic If you pick a good location, so All the clients that I've ever had open a brick and mortar business, I'm always like pay for traffic, pay for good location, because that's something that you don't automatically get in a mobile business.1:56.1 If you're in a location that's really rural or has really specific zones where people go to shop, you want to exist in those places as a mobile shop. 2:10.2 I find that when people open mobile boutiques in the middle of nowhere, it's just really hard to find customers.2:16.1 If you're online now, I think the best way to think about whether or not it's more economical or not is what the traffic situation is.2:32.9 If you live in a place that's heavily dependent on brick and mortars and you could find a good location in a prime spot, honestly, opening a brick and mortar might be for you.2:47.2 Now I talked about mine being a 30 foot step van and that was huge. If I were to redo it, I would