Absolute Trust Talk

121: What Happens When a Trustee, Executor or Beneficiary Dies?



If you’ve been following along with our show, you know that we can’t stress enough the importance of estate planning and setting up a trust to make things simple, cost-effective, and less time-consuming for your heirs. But even with the most comprehensive and well-thought-out estate plan, wrinkles can be thrown into the plan. It’s a lot of information for all parties involved to consume, and there are many moving parts. One curveball we’ve seen a few times before is a beneficiary, trustee, or executor dying before the will or trust is enacted. Everyone tuning in to this podcast has probably given at least some thought as to who their assets and possessions will go to when they’re gone. But what if that person also passes? Who gets the money then? Being as transparent as possible in your estate planning documents is critical. If you haven’t revisited them in a while to answer these types of questions, take this episode popping up in front of you as your sign! And, if you don’t have a plan, there’s no time like