Ultimate Scrutiny

S4 Ep42: Aeroflot Flight 593 - 1994



It’s 1994. It’s forty-thousand feet over the Siberian tundra and Captain Yaroslav Vladimirovich Kudrinsky is about to take part in the worst bring your child to work day since Daddy Day Care 3. In what panicking Russian pilots are already radioing in as the 42nd edition of the CB Wallop Podcast join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss Aeroflot Flight 593 -  the quite frankly anus tightening, stomach crunching, thigh scarring, nightmare fueling, brain buggeringly terrifying story of what happens when you let your children fly an airliner.  Should they have let their kids in the cockpit?... I mean, I can’t believe i’m even having to say this - but no. no please God no. Trigger warning: Well, this one scared the absolute crap out of me - so I don’t know how you’ll deal with it. I mean it’s a plane that crashes into a Siberian mountain, what do you want from me? There are no survivors and it would be hard to imagine how the last few moments of the flight could have been any more terrifying. Other than