Ultimate Scrutiny

S4 Ep35: The SS Torrey Canyon - 1967



It’s 1967, it’s the Scilly Isles and a jumbo-ized mega tanker full of dirty oil is about to cause more damage to the Cornish economy than Brexit, Thatcher and Fleetwood Mac put together.  In what must be the crudest installment of the CB Wallop Podcast EVER join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The SS Torrey Canyon - the gigantic oil tanker that went the wrong way, ran aground and made most of the west coast of England far, far too slippery for sunbathing.  Can you bomb oil out of the sea? No... turns out you can’t.  Trigger warning: This one involves the deaths of countless seabirds in rather nasty ways, but is otherwise okay. It’s just a really, really big oil spill. That said, after a fairly stern telling off from the good people of Bristol for our accents in the last installment, we have now exacerbated the problem by attempting not just Cornish, but also Italian and Dutch, for which, as ever, we make no apology. Written and Researched by Phil Lucas Edited by Phil Jerrod Music by Steve