Ultimate Scrutiny

S4 Ep29: The Moorgate Tube Crash - 1975



It’s 1975, it’s fancy central London and at Moorgate Underground Station a load of miserable commuters are waiting to catch the worst tube journey since Phil Lucas passed his kidney stones.  In what vastly overpaid tube drivers are already complaining to their union is the 29th episode of the CB Wallop Podcast, Join Phil Jerrod and Phil Lucas as they discuss The Moorgate Tube Crash - the weird and mysterious tale of how a perfectly healthy man, on a perfectly normal morning, drove his perfectly maintained train into a very big wall.  Was he startled by a pesky ghost? ... no.. no he wasn’t.  Trigger Warning: This one’s proper carnage. If you’re scared of the tube this isn’t going to help at all. There is lots of claustrophobia, lots of crushing, some amputations and one very, very scary ghost story. Mind the gap my friends.   Music by Steve Adam Sound Clips: Disaster - Moorgate train disaster - 28/02/1975 Discovery Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iem5zLPniTk&t=496s Steve Harley - Mak