Inside Design With Kandrac & Kole

Why You Should Post On TikTok To Grow On Instagram – With Guest Lauren Moore



If you are overwhelmed with all the demands of social media as it pertains to your business, you are not alone! Besides running a full-service design business and hosting a full podcast schedule, Joann and I also do our own social media. Yes, we have pondered the notion of contracting this out, but we are too committed to our authenticity to embrace the idea of handing it over to a third party… so here we sit.  TikTok is a platform that we have yet to fully jump on board with and that will probably actually change after today’s episode. Our guest Lauren Moore is a content strategist who helps brands find their voice and grow their online presence for business results. Today Lauren is going to talk to us about why TikTok can help you grow your Instagram following and how her side-hustle book club went viral. Her work has notably increased the organic reach of clients, including major brands like MTV, Campbell's, and Subaru, contributing to more than 12 million combined follower growth. In collaboration with Ph