Chats With Susan Burrell

Open To Life



This Episode of Empowering Chats is about grief. And this month’s theme is “Eternal.” I intentionally placed this interview under this theme.  I believe that all of us have an eternal essence, an eternal soul and an eternal energy that stays in the hearts of those we come in contact with even when we have left our physical bodies. My guest, Emily Thiroux Threatt is here to talk about grief and how to find our happiness within the folds of losing someone close to us. Her latest book is called, The Grief and Happiness Handbook, which is also a guidebook.  This handbook has exercises to help guide you out of your grief. Emily lost 2 wonderful husbands who ironically both died of the same thing. After losing her first husband who was sick for 2 years, she never thought she’d marry again but then she met Ron, her second husband. He was a new thought minister and together they practiced living in the moment. And after his diagnosis she thought that practice of living in the moment was going to make all the differen