Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-7



news birthdays/events can you rattle off any tongue twisters? word of the day news game: quotes from comedic films history myths that aren't true what change would you make to the human body that would be a game changer? news game: what year was it? actors who were almost cast in famous roles trick yourself into being productive...try these things today! news game: general trivia it's not quite spring cleaning season...but we should all be doing these things for our beds goodbye/fun facts....National Apprenticeship Week is an annual celebration to celebrate the role of apprentices in the workforce and their importance.  It has been almost 4,000 years since the system of apprentices was first developed in the Babylonian era around 1800 B.C. This week aims to encourage apprentices in excelling in their respective fields, as they are the future of the country’s economic growth. It works by having an apprentice would spend many years of training under the master craftsman. By the 1400's this system was prevalent