The Speaker Lab With Grant Baldwin // Public Speaking / Motivational Speaking / Entrepreneurship

There's a 95% Chance You Won't Be Hired by an Event Planner and Here's Why with Eve Gilmore



“Think about: Who is the person that I want to impact? Not so much how many people do I want to impact? Or what area of my area of expertise do I want to impact? But who is the exact person that I want to leave my message with and know that they're going to go and step out and make an impact with it?"This week, Maryalice Goldsmith and Eve Gilmore are on the podcast talking about how to find better leads! Sure, Rick’s episode from a couple of weeks ago was great, but you can’t work leads well if you aren’t even trying to get to know the right people! "When I am creating a lead list for a student, I can really tell the difference between a student who knows their audience and knows their voice versus a student that doesn't, because everyone wants to get booked by an event planner or a conference manager."We brought in our Lead Manager, Eve, to talk about how she helps students dig into their expert positioning statements to find the best leads possible. “In particular, we ask our students, hey, provid