Chats With Susan Burrell

Boost Your Energy



Ep #263 Boost Your Energy - An Interview with Intuitive Energy Healer, Dr. Mary Sanders. We are continuing our theme of Eternal for the month of February. And so with that I also want to include the embracing of the Eternal and welcome my guest, Dr. Mary Sanders. Dr. Mary is an Intuitive Energy Healer and is stunning in her vibrancy. We shared a deep, Empowering Chat about the Energy Patterns that we hold and how that manifests in our lives. Much of what manifests is our soul’s essence, it is the original blueprint we came into this planet with. Dr. Mary works with her own wisdom and intuition acquired in energy to help women over 40 bounce back from burnout. She is a doctor of Chiropractic with an emphasis in Functional Nutrition. She also has a Certification in Positive Psychology. It is through the integration of all of her practical experience and life experience that she is able to help others heal themselves. The pathway of Dr. Mary’s work is to ground the discordant energy. She recognizes that we are a