60 Minutes

02/18/2024: Crisis in the Red Sea, Fake Electors, Finding Cillian Murphy



As tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East and the Iran-allied Houthi militia launch strikes against commercial and U.S. Navy ships in the southern Red Sea, Norah O’Donnell was the first journalist to report from the region in the air, on the water, and inside the 5th Fleet’s Command Center at Naval Headquarters in Bahrain. O’Donnell speaks with the Deputy Commander of U.S. Forces in the Middle East, Vice Admiral Brad Cooper and other Navy officers about a new kind of warfare on the high seas involving anti-ship ballistic missiles, as well as the disruption of international shipping traffic and whether an endgame is in sight. In the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, Republicans in seven states where he won, including Wisconsin, banded together and cast fake electoral votes for Donald Trump. Correspondent Anderson Cooper reports on Wisconsin's fake presidential electors