Ewtn News Nightly

EWTN News Nightly | Friday, February 16, 2024



On "EWTN News Nightly" tonight: In the Roosevelt Room of the White House, President Joe Biden, reacting to the death of Alexei Navalny, told reporters “he bravely stood up to the corruption, the violence and all the bad things the Putin government was doing.” Biden added, “Even in prison, he (Navalny) was a powerful voice for the truth.” EWTN News Nightly White House correspondent Owen Jensen reports. Michael Kimmage, a professor and Department Chair of history at the Catholic University of America joins News Nightly to discuss why the death of Alexei Navalny is so consequential and if Vladimir Putin considered him a threat. After witnessing all the pictures of people laying flowers at monuments dedicated to victims of political repression after Navalny's death was announced, Kimmage shares how this is resonating with people in Russia. Nearly four dozen members of Congress are accompanying the Vice President and others to Munich. Foreign leaders will be turning their attention to those lawmakers, seeking to h