Valley 101

The legend of Winnie Ruth Judd, Phoenix's 'Trunk Murderess'



Buried in Arizona's time capsule lies a story that continues to be dug up over time: the tale of the infamous "Trunk Murderess," or Winnie Ruth Judd, a woman accused of double murder who escaped a state hospital several times and told different accounts of the story through the years.  There's been speculation over the years about whether Judd committed these violent acts by herself and the motive that prompted her to kill her friends. Did she kill them due to a scandalous affair gone wrong? Was the murder out of self defense and facilitated by a lover? Different accounts over time, some from Judd herself, show Arizonans that the full story of that night is clearly unknown — and it may stay that way.  This week's episode of Valley 101, a podcast by The Arizona Republic and about metro Phoenix and beyond, dives back into the case of the "Trunk Murderess" and the plot holes that have haunted Arizona for decades.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit