Reigners Radio

Encountering the Supernatural Realm 13



Positive Supernatural Experiences are part of the Believers’ daily experience and should be cultivated, valued, enjoyed and appreciated. The Holy Spirit can be trusted to train, protect and provide whatever is necessary to promote His agenda, keeping us focused on His goals and plan. Because we’re depending on the Lord to BE Lord, we can rest, enjoy and prevail through whatever kind of experiences He has planned for us. Negative  Those who have a negative attitude toward supernatural experiences usually do so because of misinformation, based on someone else’s experience or opinion, or the fear of being out of control and the possibility of making a mistake or being hurt. One of the reasons the Lord wants us to want supernatural experiences is to expose those areas in our belief system that are based on a lack of confidence in God (dependence on self-strength) and abdication of the authority we have been given in Christ. We have nothing to fear from trying new things and asking for supernatural experiences.