In Conversation With Ashwin

12: Episode 12-Babies, photography and women in entrepreneurship (feat. Amrita Samant)



Amrita, an HR professional for 7 years, now turned photographer runs mommyshotsbyamrita- your one stop shop for anything baby and camera related. She’s been an entrepreneur for 4 and a half years now. Although Amrita Samant liked her job in the Human Resource department, there was a constant desire in her to do something artistic with her life. During this phase in her life, photography started off as an interest to her, and she quickly capitalized on her newly discovered ambition. She parted ways with her career in Human Resources, and Amrita Samant decided to combine her love for two of her favorite things: photography and babies, and founded “Mommy Shots by Amrita”- a high quality photography service for maternity, newborn and toddlers. She has 75K+ followers on Instagram and is someone who makes a 'not-so-fond-of babies' person like me go 'oh so cute' with her incredible baby shots. I am not lying when I say that her pictures on my feed lighten up my day so easily.  Show notes-  You can find mommyshotsby