The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

How Maria Conceição Broke 9 Guinness World Records To Help Children to Transform Their Lives



In a world where the harsh realities of poverty often cast shadows over the lives of the less fortunate, there emerges a beacon of hope—an individual whose unwavering determination and compassionate heart have ignited a transformative flame. In this inspiring episode, we hear the incredible story of how one person's determination and compassion transformed the lives of children living in poverty.    Join us as we listen to Maria Conceição, the visionary Founder of a Non-Profit Organization, who has dedicated herself to providing education, food, and hope to over 600 children living in the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. In the face of daunting challenges, Maria's resilience, and creativity shine through as she shares the story of her unconventional methods—reaching out to renowned personalities and embarking on daring adventures—all in the name of raising funds and awareness for her cause.   Maria’s journey was not without its share of obstacles. From being a shy introvert to becoming a confident and talkative in