The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Learn How To Transform Your Relationship with Exercise and Fasting



Fitness is not just about the body, but also about mental and emotional health. The key to confidence in one's body is not the state of the body itself but the attitude towards it. In this episode, Ronan Diego shares his personal journey to health and fitness and discusses his philosophy on the subject. His philosophy emphasizes the importance of embracing one's unique body type and using fitness as a means of conscious connection with the body. Ronan is the Director of Health Programming at Mindvalley and a renowned expert in health and wellness. He is the creator of several Mindvalley programs, including an intermittent fasting program “Beyond Fasting”, home workout program, and co-creator of the high-intensity interval training program “10X”. Ronan is known for his unique, fun, and enlightening teaching style and has a proven track record of success in the fitness and health industry. Ronan’s personal journey to health and fitness serves as an inspiration for those looking to improve their own health and w