Meliss Marketing

Ep. 437: Should I Give It Away For Free?



"If you are the type of person who has been through a lot, and you've made great strides in who you are today and where you came from, look back. Who you used to be is who your clients are." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about if you should 'give it away' for free: -Don't think of it as 'giving it away', think of it as giving bite sized value pieces which makes them want your main offer more. -Your free value will show them that working with you can be even more transformative for them. -What can you give: clarity, mindset shift, a quick hack, short system, something that can be implemented quickly, creates a small win, shows you care. Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs Get Clients Sales Sprint: The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing