Meliss Marketing

Ep. 411: Back to the Basics: Setting Up Systems



"Systems create a foundation that allow you to live a full life, and not be a slave to your computer." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm going back to the basics and explaining why you should be setting up some systems: -CRM; Customer Relationship Management-How do you keep track of your customers? -Bookkeeping, how do you track income, expenses, collect payments? All of the money "stuff" should be in its own system. -Scheduling-you're an entrepreneur, and things can get complicated without this system. -Sales system-this can be automated, it can be a funnel, and more! Connect with Meliss Jakubovic: Join the free community: Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs The Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Affirmation Deck Facebook: Follow Meliss: @meliss_marketing Learn more about how Meliss helps Coaches and Healers add $10K+ to their monthly revenue at melissmarket