Off The Score with Eden Longson

All This Splendour and My Vessel Still Weeps [25]



Ya [big] boy Eden Longson has moved down to London, and I've been chronicling my [mis]adventures as I try and make it in the big city. This week I'm ill! But I put on a brave face and recorded the plog, so please excuse the sniffles. Again, I am very brave. I talk about my recent cool musical endeavours (including recording at Abbey Road, what!?) and also about my progress with my mental health.I've been making this plog so that you can come on this journey through music, mental health, and maybe even... love? Yeah, my love of hob nobs probably. Anyway, enjoy [pls]. Do you want some music? Go check me out on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you find your music... maybe even head to my website and check out what I've been writing lately. Please rate and review the podcast, it really helps!Peace.