God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

Pulling Back The Shades: Erotica, Intimacy, and the Longings of a Woman's Heart



You have probably heard about a book titled, 50 Shades of Grey. Many of you have read this book….and there is no doubt you have an opinion on it. 50 Shades has sold more than a hundred million copies and the movie version is coming out on Valentines Day. So my dear sisters in Christ… you are in for a very special treat today. On todays’s show I wanted us to get a proper perspective on the 50 Shades of Grey - what it means for you sexually and spiritually. For you men and husbands…you have the privilege of listening in on a conversation that will reveal the longings of a woman's heart! My guest is Dr. Juli Slattery. You may recognize her name as she is a returning guest when she and Linda Dillow were on the show last June speaking on their book and video series “Passion Pursuit”. Juli is a clinical psychologist and the cofounder of Authentic Intimacy. We discuss Juli's response to 50 Shades with "Pulling Back The Shades: Erotica, Intimacy, and the Longings of a Woman's Heart"