God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

Love, Sex and Women



We are obsessed with this idea of love aren’t we? From the songs we listen to, to the movies we watch and the books we read, we are totally and completely preoccupied with this concept of love. And yet, I’m not sure we even know what love is. For most of us, its simply a feeling that we enjoy when things are going our way, but when we don’t get what we want out of a particular relationship the feeling simply goes away and we “fall out of love.” That’s why its so important to have a biblical worldview instead of your own personal worldview in which you approach your life and circumstances. I remember being in college one semester and trying to impress my professor. I told him I was an atheist, just like him. After the semester was over, I decided that wasn’t working for me, so I joked around with my friends that I was forming a new religion called “Dustin-ism”. Well, I gotta tell ya, that didn’t work out so well for me either. It never works out well when you crown yourself King and expect everyone to serve yo