Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

From Homeless to $1M Wholesale Company: Molly Trumpler's Story



1:22.0 I use retail as a sort of the stepping stone to gain awareness about myself and to build capital.2:58.1 It's very important that I feel that the clothes that we make are just made for a woman's body, not a specific woman's body, but like just the woman's body. So I pay a lot of attention to where themes are and how long certain sleeves are to make it to make everybody feel like they can wear it and not be self conscious.4:06.1 I do think that the clothes you put on your body have a lot to do with how you leave your house.4:22.6 it's really hard for boutique owners to find  Quote unquote, cute clothes in curvy sizes.9:03.0  no matter how big or small can they know, well, hopefully they know, or are starting to at least learn what sizes sell best for their particular demographics. 11:01.3 We're not going to sacrifice style quality or anything like that, but I am willing to  kind of do what needs to be done to stay relevant in whatever changing market is happening or doesn't happen.13: