Vacation Rental Success

VRS549 - SSTIR Crazy Month: Safety, Sustainability, Trust, Insurance, and Regulations



We’ve just wrapped up SSTIR Crazy Month after 5-weeks of focusing on the core elements of our business that tend to be sidelined in conferences and summits.  For the month of February, we talked about Safety, Sustainability, Trust, Insurance and Regulations, with podcast episodes, expert panels, blog posts and social media content. In this episode, Heather and Mike - co-founders of the Vacation Rental Formula Business School - review the month, pulling out the best bits and key takeaways from each week, and sharing some of the highlights from our expert contributors. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________   We need your help to prevent STR bans and unreasonable regulations!!! In an effort to make our voices heard and start the conversation with top level decision makers the CanStays Rental Alliance Conference is happening April 20-22 in Banff Alberta. We need you to attend, we need you the share this message, we need you to get involved. Use