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How Improving Team Habits Improves Results, Teamwork, and Worklife with Charlie Gilkey



Charlie Gilkey is the CEO of Productive Flourishing, a bestselling author, advisor, podcaster, and speaker. His latest book is Team Habits. Learn more at betterteamhabits.com. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. Becoming successful is not rocket science; it is not complicated. It requires consistency, hard work, and showing up regularly. 2. Improving team dynamics can lead to a significant overall performance boost compared to expecting someone to work significantly harder or more intelligent. 3. Enhancing teamwork within this small group can improve 80% of your work. While you may not solve every issue, making things better collectively is a valuable achievement. Visit and learn more about how to Create better team habits and the habits that create a better team - Better Team Habits Sponsors HubSpot With the HubSpot for Startups program, you can save 30-90 percent on a platform that scales right along with you! To see if you’re eligible to join the HubSpot for Startups program and take your growth to the next level, visit