The Theatre Podcast With Alan Seales

Ep289 - Gordon Greenberg: Fail Early, Fail Fast



If grit, talent, and perseverance were a person, it would be in the form of Gordon Greenberg. The multifaceted artist looks back at his younger years, sharing his first creative moment, and anecdotes about his journey which includes secretly taking a bus and walking into a producer’s office in the hopes of getting offered a role. Gordon also shares his experiences in writing and directing, including his latest off-Broadway work, "Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors," a comedic adaptation of the classic vampire tale, which originally found a home in 2020 as a radio play comedy. He talks about the creative process, casting choices, and the unique and campy style of the show. He reflects on the evolution of his career, juggling multiple creative roles, and how he ensures that his outputs remain authentic and engaging. Driven with passion and purpose in whatever he does, Gordon shares a powerful piece of advice to  aspiring artists: “All the things you think are your greatest liabilities are going to become your greates