The Theatre Podcast With Alan Seales

Ep12 - Alison Burns & Lulu Picart from the 10KDollarDay Comedy Podcast



Actresses, singers, teachers, composers, comedians, and hosts of 10KDollarDay, a podcast about fake luxury travel, Alison Burns Jackson and Lulu Picart tell the story of who they are, how they met, their theatre history, and why podcasting has become their new passion. Fake luxury turns to comedy every week on 10KDollarDay. As their acting and teaching careers continue to thrive, they continue to reinvent themselves, most recently through podcasting. They were both seen off-Broadway in Disenchanted!, a show that sets the record straight on the original Disney storybook heroines you think you already know.  Connect with Alison, Lulu, and the 10KDollar Day Team: Instagram: @10KDollarDay, @AlisonBurnsJackson, @LuluPicar Twitter: @10KDollarDay Web: Facebook: /10KDollarDay YouTube: Click here Connect with The Theatre Podcast: Support us on Patreon: TikTok: @thetheatrepodcast Twitter & Instagram: @theatre_podcast