Plausibly Live! - The Official Podcast Of The Dave Bowman Show

DDH - The Eugenics Wars



One of the least discussed and acknowledged periods in US History got its start on March 11, 1880, with the birth of the man, Harry L. Laughlin, who would be among the driving figures in the eugenics movement in the United States. The ideas for which he would advocate included sterilization and would not actually end until well into the 1970s. It all sounds good on the surface – to improve humans through genetics. Today we tend to think of these ideas as the stuff of Nazi history and dystopian science fiction. The hard realization though is that these ideas – that we can eliminate undesirable genetic traits from the gene pool, like many ideas, was a European invention that was snagged onto and improved upon by American idealists. And if you thought that it would be stopped by high minded ideals found in the Constitution, you will be surprised to learn that the Supreme court not only supported and upheld these ideas, but once quipped that “three generations of imbeciles is enough…“