Local Bites

Localization: learning from indigenous communities – Thais Mantovani



Thais Mantovani is a young woman from São Paulo, Brazil, passionate about education reform and eco-cultural regeneration. An alumnus of Schumacher College, she is the co-founder of EcoUniversidade, a Youth Climate Leaders fellow, a member of the Global Regeneration CoLab network, and a long-time collaborator of Local Futures. She studies and promotes localization and regeneration in Brazil. In this episode, Thais encourages those trapped in the modern world to step beyond its ideological confines. She shares experiences of living local cultures in indigenous Amazonia, and gives examples of localization projects in the favelas of São Paulo. She calls out modern schooling as a tool of indoctrination, and highlights the importance of reweaving trust-based community relationships – not only for survival, but also for health and happiness. To watch the video of this series, visit: Planet Local Voices interview series. The music for this series is ‘Pines and Violet’, by Sky Toes.