American Monetary Association

470: Speed of Trust- Transforming Transactions into Relationships with Stephen M.R. Covey



Jason welcomes Stephen M.R. Covey as they discuss his book "The Speed of Trust." In business, cultivating trust is key for successful deals and relationships. The principle of "win-win or no deal" emphasizes fair collaboration, where both parties benefit. Trust fosters enduring relationships, enabling faster, more efficient cooperation. Smart trust involves assessing situations, clarifying expectations, and ensuring accountability. While contracts are necessary, they can't substitute genuine trust. Transparent, open, and fair dealings build reputations that lead to repeat and referral business. Long-term success lies in creating a high-trust culture, where mutual respect and consideration drive not just transactions, but positive, enduring partnerships. Key Takeaways: 1:24 Welcome, Stephen 2:33 What is trust? 3:57 A tall order- developing trust 7:03 Smart trusting- giving trust without being a 'doormat' 10:07 Trust- AND verify 12:10 Trust in Fortune 1,000 companies 14:46  High trust dividends